
Seniors And Savings On Car Insurance Costs

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Car insurance can be expensive, and this is especially true for drivers aged fifty five and older. It may seem unfair, because these drivers have more experience than most, but seniors are also considered a high risk because of their age. Another factor in high auto insurance costs for this age group is the way vehicle insurance groups treat the entire senior age bracket. Drivers under seventy pay more to subsidize the extremely high cost of covering the risks of drivers over seventy. This means that if you are between the ages of fifty five and seventy you are paying higher car insurance prices even if you are a very low risk driver. There are some things seniors over fifty five can do to help get lower auto insurance prices, and one of the best ways is to take driver safety courses through an accredited association, such as AARP.
Many organizations for seniors offer information on driver safety classes to help lower their car insurance costs. Auto insurance providers blatantly discriminate against senior drivers regularly, because their premiums are based partly on age and not just risks. Driver safety courses are like a refresher on defensive and safe driving for seniors, and these classes can really help with driving skills, as well as lower the cost of car insurance. In most states seniors who take these driving courses can get a discount, lowering both their risks and auto insurance costs. A few states like Arkansas even require vehicle insurance companies to give a discount to seniors who have taken a driver safety course recently.
When drivers aged fifty five and older first learned how to drive, driving was drastically different. There were far fewer drivers and cars on the roads, road signs were not the same as they are currently, and many things concerning driving have changed considerably in the past fifty years, and this is one reason senior drivers are rated higher risk no matter how good their driving record is. By taking a driver safety course intended for seniors, many drivers fifty five and older can save up to twenty percent off their car insurance premiums. These classes reinforce the driving rules, regulations, and signs of the modern driving experience, and they also help seniors drive more defensively and safer.
Another way that senior drivers can really save on car insurance even though their age makes them a higher risk is to stick with the same company as long as their car insurance rates are reasonable and reflect the true risks of the driver. By keeping continuous auto insurance for more than three years with the same company. If seniors keep the same auto insurance company for three or more years this could result in being placed in a higher tier in the company matrix, and this means lower prices for vehicle insurance policies. A senior driver with no accidents or claims who has continuous coverage may be eligible for a preferred rate, instead of paying the standard or substandard rate for car insurance.

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