
8 Factors That May Affect Your Car Insurance Rates

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Age- Your age will be considered by your auto insurance company when determining your car insurance rates. Drivers on either side of the prime age groups are considered higher risks, so their insurance rates will be higher. If you are a teenager or adult in your early twenties, you will pay the highest insurance premiums of all the risk groups usually, but checking online car insurance quotes can still help you save. Driving record- This factor can be affected by your actions, and a clean driving record will give you dramatic savings on your car insurance policy. Even one speeding ticket or moving violation can cause your auto insurance costs to jump up. If you want the cheapest rates on your auto insurance policy, drive safely and cautiously. Marital status- If you are married, you will pay less for your car insurance than a single person with all of the same criteria and driving record. This does not mean you should tie the knot just to save money on your car insurance bill, but if you are already married or planning this event, you can get your car insurance for less. Gender- If you are a female, you will usually enjoy lower rates on your car insurance. This may not seem fair to males, but women have historically been safer drivers then men. Because of this fact, auto insurance companies will offer a female driver lower rates than a male driver with identical factors. Compare online car insurance quotes- Online insurance quotes can help you find the lowest car insurance rates available. These quotes will let you compare the coverage amounts and the cost for the car insurance policy, so that you can choose the insurance provider that offers the best rates without losing any coverage. Credit score- Your credit score can have a major impact on your auto insurance costs, and if you have bad credit you may be paying higher auto insurance premiums simply because of this fact. You can see big savings if you improve your credit score. Pay your bills on time and pay off any debts you owe, and you will see your insurance rates go down in states that allow car insurance companies to use your credit score. Location- Where you live and work can offer you savings on your car insurance, or cost you more in premiums. If you live or work in a high crime or high risk area you will have to pay more for your auto insurance policy. This is because there are increased risks of your car being damaged or stolen. Keep this in mind when you choose a home or employment, and choose places in low risk areas. The number of miles driven each year- Your insurance premiums are partially based on how many miles you drive during the year, with the thought being the fewer miles you drive, the less likely you are to have an accident or incur a claim. If you minimize the miles you drive, you will see cheaper auto insurance rates.

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